Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hard Rock Hotel lagi....

Haluu lovelies,

We go there again for a third time. Apa yang besh sangat kat sana? Everything!
When my husband asks kat mana nk holiday, me and my gals absolute agrees HARD ROCK HOTELlah! We took a room for the family. Very large and comfy. A king size bed and a queen size bed ready for another double! If ada family with 4,5 kiddos pun still comfy okay. In fact there is a room divider to separate the existing parent's bed and children's beds. Side of the room also includes the courdyard with a mini playground. Wait any longer, let's have fun!

My kiddos yang superhappy!!

Layan live band

Breakfast with loads of choices..

This pic was taken during my time nk wat parasailing. Syiokk giler terbang even though i'm afraid of heights.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

s.o.s...tapi nk sos sapa?

salam lovelies..
post ni aku dh peram, agak masam2 sedikit. kejadian ni dh berlaku almost sebulan lepas. x sampai hati nk cita sbb sedey nk kenang2. anak2 punya kes la. biasa la diorg bila bapak diorg xde mcm2 hal. satu mlm tu sdg aku merajinkan diri mencairkan coklat unt topping atas eskwimm..(unt mengebestkan jiwa anak2) tiba2 bunyi meletop terjadi kat ruang tamu. berdesup aku terjah. tgk si kecik wiwit dah patah 2 batang gigi. rupanya terjatuh kena bucu kabinet kaca tebal telibisen tu. apalagi aku dgn rakusnya terus menerkam dua lg anak2 dara tu dgn soklan bertubi2 beserta dgn 2,3 das penampar kat muntut masing2...(aku pun dlm keadaan terkejut)..kakak dia pun ckp terjatuh sbb adik yg sorang lagi terlanggar. jatuh atas jatuh atas jatuh la kesnya tp yg blkg selamat la..

tgh aku mam'bambu' sakan tu tiba2 aku nmpk darah meleleh jatuh atas idung sophie. ya Allah anak aku!! dahi dah berlubang smp nampak putih tengkorak. masa tu baru dia meraung, tadi agaknya dizzy lagi..aku yg ada masalah jantung ni rasa nk fingsan. tak tau nk mintak tolong sapa tgh2 mlm ni. nk drive sendiri anak2 dua2 cedera. yg kecik tu dh meraung xnk lps dr aku..mana nk cari klinik mlm2 ni? abes baju t putih aku pakai penuh dgn darah..sudahnya nasib baik kepala tak berapa nk bijak ni boley pakai jugak. pi emergency kat hospital taiping jelah...jenuh sos the one and only buddy aku kat taiping ni (maklom x ramai kwn..) tapi x dapat2 juga. nak sos mak aku yg agak jauh jaraknya?? lagi jenuh kalu dia histeria nnt. ayat dia (ya Allah..cucu aku!!!). hahh amikko!! dgn aku2 pun meraung sama nanti. tapi bila dh nk gerak tu my best fwen pun tipon dan dgn tangisan yg masih bersisa (achewahhh..novelnya nada) si muharnilieza pun memecut dgn jayanya smp kat umah aku 7 menit je (selalu berejam nk tunggu). smp spital kena 5 jarum. aku curi2 amik gamba nk tunjuk bukti kat bapak diorg (encik MA tu dh warning jgn amik gambo nnt kaco dia nk wat keja) mcm la aku kaco pon??

tapi kakak sophie ni langsung x nanges. bapa kali kena cocok taktau la aku..sedey aku wiwit lak nanges smp tertido. smp sudah doktor tak dpt nk tgk gigi dia yang patah tu..camana nk tgk, belum apa2 lagi dia dah histeria..lakiku jgn ceritalah, dkt offshore tu kalu ada copper mlm2 tu dia terbang jugak. tapi jadi kuli ni terpaksa la..aku pon paham carik makan nk wat camana? selagi aku boley handle, redah jelah. terasa diriku ni agak SUPERMOM juga..nges, nges, sminggu tu dok bwk anak2 ulang klinik..letissss...alhamdulillah jahitan dah tanggal cuma sebatang gigi wiwit je still dangdut (goyang daa..).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

tengok? tonton? wayang..

minggu nih dah 2 kali gi wayang..satu kali kuar nk entertained anak2 yg ari2 dok tanya bila nk gi tenok Magika...mengebest sangat ke? sian pulak bila time blk skolah tu diorang asik jeling2 kat poster Magika tu waktu lintas dpn soping mall..aku pon petang2 tu ajak asben pulas stereng pi terus ke tempat tujuan. best la kot citanya sebab anak2 daraku termasuk si kecek wiwit langsung tak meragam kat dlm movie tu. mata-mata (bukan pak polisi tau) diorang pandang ke skrin je. kejap2 gelak (aku pon tumpang gelak sama..malu nak ngaku). tapi yang tak tahan tu kejap2 tanya itu, tanya ini. yolah, mana diorang tau sangat dongeng2 lama tu semua. sapa badang tu? napa dia makan muntah? pandir ngan andeh tu sapa? bla..bla..bla...bapak diorang yang rajin melayan. mak diorang?? hehehh...aku layan kepala sindri, syiok jugak cita melayu ni (ayat berlagak mcm la selalu pi nengok cita omputeh je cehhh!!). pas abeh Magika tu anak2 daras tu siap berangan nk pi tgk movie laen pulak pasni. suka2 diorang je wat proposal.

2 ari lepas sekali lagi pi movie. anak2 tinggal kat bapak diorang. aku nk melayan kepala mereng si best frenku cik muharnilieza. kalu aku tak temankan mau dia buat perangai tak betul dia tu - pi tengok sorang2 mcm orang giler. sebab dia banyak tabur budi ngan aku so aku telah memaksakan diri ikut dia ke movie tgk crita yang tak berapa berkenan ngan taste ngan minda aku ni..tapi aku gelak sakan lebeh dari pompuan tu pulak. (apa masalah aku nih??) pahtu lepak mamaks makan megi goreng pedas nak mampol ngan teh tarik. maceh la asbenku sbb tulon jaga anak2 daraku sempena menyokong "GIRLGIRL DAY" binimu ini....

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ramadhan terakhirkah??

Salam to all friends...So sorry for not writing quite sometime..Ada ke orang nk baca blog aku ni? There have been too much to write, too much to say and super much to think even this very special month only coming once a year but i'm still feeling i'm not doing good enough as a human? mother? wife? I dunno...these days puasa (fasting) is not only refrain from hunger and thirst but it's beyond than that. How about the abstinence from abstinence from the affairs of the world? I feel very sympathetic to a handful of Muslims who have grown but still difficult to do fast. They are not evil manners but fasting maybe a difficult thing for them...
We have recently seen a handful of Muslims are rejoicing at the non Muslim coffee shop. And some of them are old men. Pity they do not feel the delight of the month that this is probably the last Ramadhan we've ever seen.

How about some fast but do not pray? Is there I was wrong to talk about these things while I am not the best to talk about it? I myself often make mistakes and mistakes ..I hope I'm forgiven if the writing is a little disturbing to anyone who reads. They are very hard to fast while helping us to stand up during the fast is through prayer. Is not prayer is the second thing we must do before the fast?
Memetik kata-kata ibu mertuaku kepada cucu-cucunya termasuk anak-anakku:
"Macammana kita nak puasa kalau tiang yang kita guna untuk bersandar waktu penat tu tak kukuh, senget je? Mesti kita rasa tak selamat dan nak jatuh je, kan sayang?"

Not to be proud just to share, my children were taught to fast since they are four years old. And after three years they have been able to fast without complaining about hunger and thirst. Praise to Allah Yang Maha Besar. Hopefully what I wrote on this blog a bit much to help my friends and myself to become a better human. Although I am a funky mommy, religious matters still something that we hold on to our daily life...Amin dan selamat berpuasa to my friends dearie.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Buku Baru..

Hola lovelies...

I went to the the bookstore couple days ago and here's the new books that i bought. Thinking to buy few more but sadly i'm running out of budget..sight!! Right now i'm just finishing the Short Second Life of Bree Tanner (cont. of an Eclipse novella). Still reading The Host also by Stephenie Meyer. The story is actually quite complicated. I'm still in cloud nine to understand the story which is more to psychological thriller. This genre is kinda new to me..

Have you ever read L.J. Smith's books? She's the author of the Vampire Diaries (aires on 8TV on tuesday night). But i didn't buy the Vampire Diaries novel, i did bought her other novel, Night World (book 3). She has written more than 25 books so far. Ok, will update the latest news on my new books later. Babai.....

Alamak, ada satu buku lagi ni. Book by Wardina Saffiyah titled MAMA, SAYA LAPAR. It's really-really a good book for mums especially for our guidance. Dah abis baca and it's sooo inspired for us mums. Tak rugi spent RM19.90 dengan ilmu kat dalamnya.

to buy :
1. I Heart You, You Haunt Me, by Lisa Schroeder

2. Night World (Book 1), by L.J. Smith

Monday, June 21, 2010

mummy got gifts for father's day??

hye's yer day? it's been a while i haven't place anything in this blog. school holiday was just over and i'm back to my home sweet home. but before i reach home, got these items from my beloved hubby. the first one is for my belated 9th anniversary and the other is for the father's day..father's day?
kuang, kuang...i'm supposed to give him something but instead i end up receiving the hadiah...i'm not working laaa...where got money mehh?? like always he likes to surprise me and he hates to see my poker face when he came home with the gifts...malu tapi mau laa, that poker face was the expression of overjoy..but then he said, just simplify thing - terima saja..
thank you, husband.

but hey, best find of da day - tadaaa!! i bought this pair of shoes or should i call funky sandals not over than rm100. luv it very much. it really suits my personality..and mostly always rockin' my day.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kenangan Dolu-Dolu

Hye frenz..
Dah lama tak menulis kat blog ni. Bnyk menda nk crita tp tatau dari mana nak setat. Besides aku bz mengabihkan baca buku2 yg baru dibeli. Tak puah ati slagi lom setel suma. Ptg tadi bz ajar anak2 pompuanzku main badminton (*senang crita pukul2 shuttel cock laaa..) Mula diorang nk main ps2 tp cam biasala aku ckp no! no! Bukan ada larangan ke hapa tp malas tiap kali diorg tanya aku menda bkn2 psl games tu. Mmg aku x reti tahap bangang la nk main natang tu. Hubbyku pas Jumaat td dah pulas stereng ke Kerteh. Pas suboh sok nk fly ke tgh Laut China Selatan plak. What to do...cari makan...Aku cam biasa jd *ibu tunggal semula huhuhu...

Cerita pasal main2 benda urban2 nih, aku terkenang time aku kecek2 dulu. Toksahkan ps2, nk main *Brick game tu pon ada masalah. Yg aku tau main polis sentri (slalu kena jd org jahat sbb bdk2 laki tau aku x kuat lari musti diorg menang punya), main baling selipar (yg ni aku suka sbb leh baling adik lelaki aku kuat2 - time kecek dolu mmg dia jahat nk mampos), lg satu main guli (ni pon syok sbb aku bwk mak aku tulon jd back up kalu guli GUNDU aku x power haha), main galah panjang (yg nih pon aku bodo slalu kalah). Tp kat kg tok aku dolu diorang panggil BELO. Ntah dari mana dtg nama tu?..Tulah serba sikit menda2 yg aku main kecek2 dolu. Budak skarg nk main lg ke suma tu?? Tak le kot...Sbb tu agaknya ramai bdk2 skrg debab2..ponggong dok atas kusi je...

Camana le diorg nk main kalu mak ayah sndri ari2 asik ngadap ps2, ps3, psp and tak hapa2 PPPP lagi..xyah pi jauh2 la lakiku cnthnya tulah keja ngadap gadget je ari2 kalu coti dua minggu. Dh mcm Inspector Gadget dh, cuma skrg ni je kurang sikit menjak aku asik dok ngajak dia cari kuman kat suping kompleks. Lgpon aku slalu buli dia cuci pinggan, cuci bilik air pahtu dia lak cuci pala otak aku skali.

Ok nnt kalu rajin aku bebel lg skrg nk pi layan anak2 pompuanzku tgk katun. Aku pon minat gak katun Phinies and Ferb tu. Nk layan blues sbb laki tinggal mmg taklah...alahai dh bertahun idup kena tnggl2 camni..

Notes: syok rasanya mengarut malayu ni, xyah susah2 aku nk pikir akunye grammar betoi ke idak..salammm...

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Twilight' collections.

Hi Lovelies,
mi familia including myself went to the book store couple days ago and i got these for my collections..

New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Already bought first book Twilight last month and the dvds as well. And now the collection of my Twilight Saga is complete.

Plus i got a chance to buy these masterpiece..The Twilight Journals.
(last piece in the book store).

It spotted my hubby's eyes and i just cannot say no to this exquisite set.
Each journal (decorated in black and red images) featuring cover art from Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Specially coming in a keepsake tin. It's the gift from the writer, Stephenie Mayer to the fans. I'm happy cause i'm lucky to have this journals for my own collection and hopefully gonna pass it to my beloved girls someday.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Men can BREASTFEED...too??

Hye love,

I've bought this magazine last month but haven't read it because i left it in my my car under the pile of shoe boxes. So i just found it by accident while looking for my sneakers few days ago. And last night i have a look at it just to make my eyes sleepy but all of a sudden the eyes remain wide open when i saw a report in the magazine and it's very readable.

Seriously, after I've read it i realised on the other side of the continent there are men who really loves doing this JOB. It's natural thing for us women to breastfeed our baby. It's sounds awkward but according to the experts men can produce milk and breastfeed too..!!

Oh really? But the question is, can they really do it?

The report says,

"Men's nipples are not as useless as we think. If they used a breast pump every day for 20 minutes on each side, after a few weeks they will produce milk." (Dr. Fiona Giles)
WOW!! What do you think? Are they really want to give it a go??

Here in our country...I'm not sure.

Some more in the report, men cannot produce milk spontaneously, but stimulation with a breast pump, taking hormones and psychological desire to do so can bring on milk production..and what's more interesting - their milks are very rich in protien..WOW babies should starts looking for daddies when it comes to feeding time.

Besides why should they have nipples isn't it? Forgive me, just kidding.

Husband, I'm tired of breastfeeding your 2 year old baby...can you help me please?? Maybe you'll look more sexier after all...and i'm gonna LOVE YOU more...hahaha..

Saturday, April 10, 2010


1st gal, Sophie Ariana Rizal - My shy girl. She's really passionate about music and arts. Right now she's in year 4 in her piano lesson. She can't wait to learn violin and other instruments.

2nd doter, Sarah Mikhaila Rizal - She's full of suprising. Always coming home with big smile and suddenly came up with so many stories. I love when she smile.

Youngest, Suri Nafeesa Rizal - The one and only tomboy in this family. She's unpredictable, full of tantrums and really can't stand when she's sulking...She knows how to tackle the rest of the family with her kisses and suddent jokes.

My beloved familia...they're my Cinta (love), my Nyawa (soul)...